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Friday, April 8, 2016

My Religion Does Not My Equal Faith

     There is a miss understanding by the vast majority. The tendency to say ones faith is their religion is ingrained into our fibers. Some people are getting it right but most will fail at answering the following question. What is your faith?

     Most will reply with, Oh I am a Catholic or I am Lutheran, I am Baptist (I use these religions as general examples, not to say that the problem resides in only these religions.). Those that understand the question will state that which is part of their core belief, whether Christian, a Muslim, a Jew,
     As for me I am Christian. What separates me from other Christians is that I do not subscribe to a religion. I have been there and done that. I have been an Catholic, Baptist, Assemblies, and a Lutheran. What I find is that each of these religions are filled with Hippocrates. Now I am not saying that everyone is but I find that the majority of the people are, including the clergy.

     When you have a church filled with people who are worried about themselves more than about the helpless brothers and sisters in God. They think that going to church makes them better than everyone else. They think that going to a big, fancy church gives them some type of status in Gods eyes. If you don't go to their church then you are going to Hell. If you try to reason with them they will argue with you until you just give up, realizing that they will never hear or understand.

      No. I am a Christian, just not religious.I do not need the big fancy church to "fellowship" in. I do not need the big cross, whose value could have more than likely given shelter to hundreds of homeless or could have fed thousands of hungry. I do not need these things to worship my God. My body is a temple to my God. I choose to live my life as an example of my faith. I do not need a church in which to worship nor do I need a big fancy cross to say what my beliefs are. I will lead my life as an example to how one really should live to achieve the ultimate salvation.

     Now that I have offended my readers, have the most wonderful and blessed weekend.

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